three-point jack - translation to ρωσικά
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three-point jack - translation to ρωσικά

Three point play; Three Point Play; Old-fashioned three

three-point jack      

общая лексика

гнездо трехпроводное

Three-point; Three point (disambiguation)

общая лексика


  • A traditional American jack-o'-lantern, made from a [[pumpkin]], lit from within by a [[candle]].
  • [[Halloween]] jack-o'-lantern.
  • A jack-o'-lantern
  • Pumpkin projected onto the wall.
  • A jack-o'-lantern in the shape of the [[Wikipedia logo]].
  • R.I.P.]]" pattern.
  • An assortment of carved pumpkins.
  • Cornish]] Jack-o'-Lantern made from a turnip.
  • Ireland]].  Rutabaga or turnip were often used.
Jack O'Lantern; Jack o'lantern; Jack-o-lantern; Jack o' lantern; Pumpkin carving; Carved pumpkin; Pumpkin lantern; Jack-O-Lantern; Jack o' Lantern; Jack o Lantern; Jack O' Lantern; Jack-o-Lantern; Jack'o lantern; Jack 'o lantern; Jack-o’-lantern; Halloween pumpkin; Jack o lanterns; Jack the pumpkin; Jackolantern; Jack o lantern; Jack o' the lantern; 🎃; Pumpkin craft; Jack 'o laterns; Jack-o'-Lantern; Jackolanterns; Jack-o-latern; Jack-o'-lanterns; Jack-o'lantern; Pumpkin moonshine
jack-o'-lantern noun 1) блуждающий огонек 2) amer. фонарь из тыквы с прорезанными отверстиями в виде глаз, носа и рта


(Kerouac) Джек (1922-69) , американский писатель. Лидер "разбитого поколения"; романы "На дороге" (1957) и "Бродяги Дхармы" (1958) отразили формирование контркультуры в США и увлечение дзэн-буддизмом (см. Дзэн). Автобиографический роман "Биг Сур" (1962) о кризисе движения.


Three-point play

In basketball, a three-point play is usually achieved by scoring a two-point field goal, being fouled in the act of shooting, and scoring one point on the subsequent free throw. Before the three-point field goal was created in the 1960s for professional basketball and 1980s for collegiate basketball, it was the only way to score three points on a single possession. It is sometimes called an old-fashioned three-point play to distinguish from the later three-point shot. And one is also sometimes used to refer to the extra free throw after a two-point basket.

In FIBA-sanctioned 3-on-3 play (branded as 3x3), a "three-point" or "four-point play" is possible only under very limited circumstances. In that form of the game, field goals taken inside the "three-point" arc are worth only 1 point, and field goals made from outside the arc are worth 2 points.

  • A player fouled in the act of shooting a successful 2-point basket receives 1 free throw, as long as the defensive team has committed 6 or fewer team fouls in the game.
  • Upon the 7th team foul in a game, the non-fouling team receives 2 free throws on all fouls by the defense—even after made baskets. This means that on fouls during a successful field goal attempt, a three-point play is possible after a made 1-point basket, and a four-point play after a made 2-point basket.
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